Tuesday 25 January 2022

What Does The Physiotherapist Do And When To Contact Him?

The fields of action of a physiotherapist are many. The first distinction must be made between orthopedic pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and pathologies of neurological origin. Within the first area, there are traumas and injuries, chronic and degenerative pathologies, posture defects. All these pathologies have in common the onset of pain with a consequent limitation in carrying out daily activities.

Here is what the physiotherapist treats and when to contact Physiotherapy Clinic in Gurgaon:

  • Back pain or low back pain
  • Sciatica or lumbosciatalgia;
  • Neck pain;
  • Cervicobrachialgia;
  • Slipped disc;
  • Flick;
  • Bone fractures;
  • Bruises, sprains or dislocations;
  • Joint inflammation;
  • Post-surgery rehabilitation;
  • Rehabilitation after implantation of prostheses;
  • Defects of posture;
  • Scoliosis, curved back, hyperlordosis;
  • Muscle trauma: muscle tears, injuries or contractures;
  • Partial or total tendon injuries;
  • Injuries of the ligaments;
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome;
  • Arthrosis;
  • Arthritis;
  • Tendinitis;
  • Epicondylitis;
  • Muscle-strengthening;

The physiotherapist specialized in neurological rehabilitation, on the other hand, follows patients who have mobility problems related to the nervous system.

What Does A Physiotherapy Evaluation Consist Of?

The physiotherapy assessment is the first step to setting a course of rehabilitation. During the evaluation, the physiotherapist actively listens and gets to know the patient. All the information it collects helps it pinpoint the possible cause of the problem.

During the first evaluation, the physiotherapist asks specific questions about the patient's type of pain and the limitations that this entails and can also do tests to evaluate some aspects. He will also need to know the patient's medical history, habits, work, what sport he practices, and at what level. All this will help contextualize the pathology to understand which will be the best path to follow. Once the context has been built, the professional identify together with the patient what types of therapy he will have to do, how many sessions and at what frequency. The physiotherapist's therapies can consist of manual therapies, instrumental therapies, or exercises in the rehabilitation room.

The Therapies Performed By The Physiotherapist

Physiotherapist performs laser therapy. Of all physiotherapy therapies, the best known (and perhaps most appreciated) is manual therapy. It is often also defined as (improperly) massage therapy or, more commonly, massage, even if it technically has no curative but aesthetic or wellness purposes. There are many techniques and schools of manual therapy. They all have in common that the physiotherapist performs the therapy without any instrument other than his hands. The aim of manual Physiotherapy Treatments Gurgaon is typically to reduce pain and increase mobility. The technique used naturally varies according to the pathology.

The instrumental therapies, also called physical, are therapies that use some kind of energy for patient care. The physiotherapist does all these therapies with the help of a machine. The Tecarterapia uses radio waves, laser therapy laser (therapeutic light), the Shockwave as the name suggests, the Bemerterapia the magnetic field, the ' Hyperthermia Delta uses the heat conveyed deep. All of these Physiotherapies help reduce pain and inflammation and speed up tissue healing. Each therapy is more or less indicated according to the pathology and the phase (acute or sub-acute). However, not all physiotherapy machines are the same: the more sophisticated and advanced they are, the more effective the therapy will be, and it will take a few sessions.

The Importance Of Work In The Rehabilitation Room.

Finally, the work in the rehabilitation room is of fundamental importance after an injury or an operation to recover well and also to prevent relapses. In the rehabilitation room, you can work on muscle strengthening, proprioception and balance, posture and motor control. Also, in this case, there are super sophisticated machines that make rehabilitation more effective and more interactive and pleasant for the patient.

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